Connections with BCD Travel is back for Season 3

Connections with BCD Travel is back for Season 3 with new episodes focusing on how technology can – and is – making business travel better.

Woman with tablet, thinking at desk.

Our industry-leading podcast, Connections with BCD Travel, is back for season 3 with fresh insights and expert commentary that will help managed travel program stakeholders navigate the latest technology trends and opportunities.

Technology temperature check

Season 3 kicks off with Take your technology temperature. Alissa Merlino, senior director, Global Solutions Engineering, joins co-hosts Chad Lemon, director, Product Planning and Development, and Miriam Moscovici, VP, Partnerships and Intelligence, in a conversation about the technologies currently available in the market. Find out how programs can prioritize their needs and offer advice on how to not be dazzled by the latest and greatest if a program doesn’t have an appetite for change.  

Alissa Merlino, Senior Director, BCD Travel

Making sense of changing entry requirements

Marketplace partner G3 Global Services COO Charlie Cobb links up with Chad and Miriam for Changing entry requirements: What travel managers need to know. Today, there are over 35,000 different visa and entry requirement configurations across the world. And those requirements change all the time. This episode advises travel programs, travel managers, and travelers themselves how they can keep up to date for seamless entry.

What’s coming up?

Connections with BCD Travel has established itself for its unique perspectives from seasoned professionals across the business travel ecosystem. This season promises valuable takeaways on topics like payment & expense management, AI in business travel, hotel sourcing strategies and travel risk management, all designed to enhance the corporate travel experience.

Head over to to explore the full library of episodes or listen wherever you get your podcasts.

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