BCD Travel in Denmark

Turning travel spend into strategic investment.

Empower travellers with the most advanced tools for safety, security and productivity to make informed decisions on the go. Partnering with travel and procurement professionals to streamline business travel, increase savings and drive business success.

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BCD Travel locations in Denmark

BCD Travel Denmark

Ramsingsvej 30
DK-2500 Valby
T +45 70715200
[email protected]

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BCD Meetings & Events Denmark

Ramsingsvej 30
DK-2500 Valby
T +4570715473
[email protected]

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We make the complex simple.


We put innovation at the heart of our vision and your program.

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BCD Travel Danmark A/S’ betingelser og vilkår for samhandel bygger på de lovmæssige krav der stilles i såvel Danmark og EU.

I tillæg hertil indgår rejserelevante betingelser som er afstemt med vores leverandører og samhandelspartnere.

Vores generelle betingelser og vilkår findes her (på engelsk)

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