BCD Travel has earned gold in an independent assessment measuring its corporate social responsibility performance—the only travel management company to achieve this top rating.
The rating places BCD in the top 1% of all suppliers assessed by EcoVadis, a leading platform for evaluating CSR success. BCD improved upon its EcoVadis silver rankings of the last two years.

“We’re proud of our achievement in earning top recognition by EcoVadis because it confirms not only our commitment to CSR, but also our continued improvement in this area,” said Kathy Jackson, BCD executive vice president of global account management and executive chair of corporate social responsibility.
EcoVadis conducts rigorous analyses of CSR programs in the areas of environment, labor practices, fair business practices and sustainable procurement. More than 120 major multinationals worldwide use EcoVadis to monitor the CSR performance of their supply chains.
Nestlé, a BCD customer, is among firms that use EcoVadis. The Swiss company’s travel program leader commended BCD’s gold ranking. “This is a very important milestone and illustrates how committed BCD Travel is regarding corporate social responsibility and sustainability,” said Marc Zuber, who heads group procurement and travel and event planning for the global food and beverage giant. “It means a lot to Nestlé to work with partners that also fully embrace our values and principles.”
This is BCD’s second major CSR recognition this year. In May, the GBTA Foundation’s Project ICARUS recognized BCD Travel as recipient of the 2016 Sustainability Outstanding Achievement Award in the Travel Intermediary category. It was the second time in three years that BCD won ICARUS recognition for sustainability efforts.
BCD’s annual CSR report to the United Nations Global Compact highlights activities that support the company’s commitment to corporate citizenship, ethical business practices and employee appreciation.
A commitment to CSR also shapes the travel management company’s offerings to clients through products and services designed to improve security, wellness, productivity and safety for corporate customers and their business travelers.