BCD Travel recently submitted its 2015 Communication on Progress to the United Nations. The report, which is available on the company’s website, summarizes 2014 activities and accomplishments in support of the U.N. Global Compact. Among the highlights:
- BCD expanded its Making a Difference program to 19 charities around the world. The program funds employee-nominated charities that directly improve the lives of children.
- BCD promoted transparent, ethical and sustainable business practices by formally detailing the principles the company has operated under for years. Putting a formal Code of Conduct in place demonstrates BCD’s commitment to honest, respectful and accountable business practices.
- The GBTA Foundation recognized BCD’s efforts to promote sustainable business practices. The company won the foundation’s 2014 Sustainability Outstanding Achievement Award.
BCD joined the U.N. Global Compact in 2008. This marks the sixth consecutive year that the company has reported its support of the Global Compact’s 10 principles in the areas of human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption.
The company’s social impact strategy, known as onboard, is supported by five pillars: people, community, environment, ethical business practices and privacy and data protection. They’re the fundamental “rules of engagement” for BCD’s relationship with employees, colleagues, customers, business partners and communities.