Known as Generation Z, or Gen Z, a new influx of travelers is having an impact on the business travel industry. They’re people born between 1992 and 2010, a millennial group of digital natives brought up during the internet era. Gen Zers’ technology-laden upbringing influences their business travel planning and experiences.
Below are five points travel managers should know about working with Gen Z business travelers.
Gen Z is tuned in
Whether it’s about money, health or the environment, Gen Z knows what’s happening. They travel less, are more selective, and are more likely to make decisions based on environmental impact and personal experience. Their business travel decisions are influenced by the value they find in going on a trip versus staying home.
Video matters
Gen Z spends twice as much time as older generations watching videos on mobile devices, according to a study by FleishmanHillard, a top public relations and marketing research firm. Seventy percent spend more than two hours a day on YouTube. That means video calls and conferences are critical tools to include in corporate travel program.
Seamless screens
Gen Z consumers use as many as five different screens per day: smartphones, tablets, laptops, smart watches and TV, moving from one screen to the next with speed and ease. They are hyperconnected and expect the same from others—including their travel manager and travel agent.
Get to the point in 8 seconds or less
The average attention span of young people in 2000 was 12 seconds. These days, it’s only 8 seconds. Relevant and personal messages are key to grabbing and keeping their attention. Nix the long introductions, and get to the point. Sending a notification about a delayed flight? Try this message: “Flight to NY 2hrs delayed.” That’s what the Gen Z traveler wants to see on his mobile phone or smart watch.
Personal contact = bonus points
Gen Z grew up on self-service. They research, compare products and shop online. When it comes to complex questions about a trip or an issue, you can score points by helping them as soon as possible (read: within minutes), whether it’s via Facebook, Snapchat, WhatsApp, text or simply by phone.
Want to know more about how to engage Gen Z travelers (and other generations) to improve on-the-road experiences and program performance? Download Get Engaged: Empowering Travelers to Make Smart Buying Choices, and ask your BCD Travel account manager for details.