As business travel evolves, how can people in the industry harness the power of innovation and make change a positive force within their companies? That was the question of the day at a recent American Society of Travel Agents session moderated by BCD Travel’s Miriam Moscovici. Travel Market Report pulled out ideas from the discussion, including Moscovici’s tips for embracing innovation.
Be opinionated. Moscovici, director of innovation for the travel management company, believes in expressing opinions strongly to start other innovators thinking. “I always have an opinion on things, and I love being wrong, having people arguing with me,” she said.
Believe that innovation comes in all shapes and sizes. Businesses often search for a big breakthrough, rather than incremental innovations that can lead to large impact. Moscovici described how BCD is creating a talent-development “toolkit” for contact center supervisors and managers to give them a framework for solving problems. “Innovation could be automation in QC [quality control] or ways to improve our relationships with clients,” she told the session audience.
Learn more about how BCD Travel’s new SolutionSource platform makes it easy for clients to discover and integrate technology innovations into their travel programs.