Traveller fatigue – top causes and cures

To travellers who hit the road once a week or month, complaining about travel burnout seems completely unjustified. After all, from the outside, business trips look glamorous and are often seen as a privilege. And don’t get us wrong, it is all these things, but it is also gruelling, and many long-term travellers do get burnt out by the lifestyle.

The World Health Organization globally recognises burnout as an “occupational phenomenon” resulting from chronic workplace stress. Numerous international studies link burnout to factors like excessive workloads, lack of work-life balance, poor workplace culture, and lack of support. Travel burnout is the same as regular burnout – anxiety, exhaustion, irritation, depression, and homesickness – are just some of the mental symptoms of travel burnout.

Top causes of travel burnout

We’ve gathered key insights from years of experience to help business travellers combat workplace fatigue and avoid occupational burnout. Try to avoid:

  • Travelling too fast: This is the top contender for travel burnout. If your itinerary has you jetting from one city or country to another back-to-back, you may be ticking all the boxes, but you will end up exhausted.

  • Too much of the same: While there is comfort in travelling to the same city and staying at the same hotel, the monotony can drain your energy and enthusiasm for your trip. It’s a bit like getting “churched out” when travelling across Europe.

  • Illness: Let’s face it, when you are sick, there is no place like home. While exploring exciting new cuisines is fun, exotic meals may not always agree with your constitution.

  • Jetlag: If you travel fast, you may not have enough time to adjust to multiple time zones and may experience jetlag. It can take a few days to re-adjust and adapt to your environment.

Mitigating the misery of traveller fatigue

  • Find your place: There are some destinations that you just feel more at home in than others. Try to schedule trips to the cities or countries where you feel comfortable so that the stay is more manageable.

  • Schedule Downtime: Our experts highly recommend tagging on a rest day either before or after your business obligations for improved wellness. It’s about slowing down a little and taking the time just to breathe.

  • Get Moving: It’s no secret that physical activity reduces stress levels. Our consultants will guide you with respect to accommodation choices that include a gym or are within walking distance of safe trails so that travellers can easily prioritise physical exercise.

  • Bring Comforts: Frequent travellers benefit from bringing a little bit of home with them. Pack items like cosy loungewear that you’d wear in the privacy of your own home, and include some of your favourite snacks (as long as they’re not on the list of banned items for your destination).

  • Stay Hydrated: It’s easy to become dehydrated on long-haul flights and when travelling between different climates and environments. Make an effort to drink more water to improve hydration and combat fatigue.

  • Get Quality Sleep: Prioritise getting enough rest by booking accommodation that promotes quality sleep, such as hotels with comfortable beds, blackout curtains, and soundproofing. Consider travel pillows, earplugs, and eye masks to enhance your sleep experience, especially during long-haul flights.

  • Choose Healthy Meals: While indulging in local cuisine is part of the experience, be mindful of balancing it with healthy meals as well. Find local eateries that offer healthy, fresh food options and that offer travellers a unique taste experience.

  • Utilise Travel Lounges: As a Rennies BCD client, you’ll gain access to our extensive network of travel lounge partners worldwide. Those lengthy layovers no longer have to be a drain. Instead, unwind in the relaxing confines of an airport lounge. Indulge in complimentary snacks and refreshments, take a rejuvenating shower, or simply sink into a plush sofa for some shuteye.

At Rennies BCD Travel, we understand the importance of work-life balance for our clients. Together, we can help you combat traveller fatigue and ensure you return home feeling refreshed rather than drained. For personalised travel planning assistance, get in touch with our dedicated team today.